Application Submitted

I finally clicked the "submit" button yesterday. All of my documents were uploaded and the application package was sent off to the University of South Florida. Now the wait begins. Will I be accepted into their doctorate program? Will I begin the next, and final chapter in my studies? Will I become Dr. Julie Ann Hayes. Only time will tell. I am both excited and nervous at once. With the state of the world and America right now, who knows what will happen. I have to remain optimistic though. I have heard from a friend who works for one of the largest state university systems in the nation that they are facing huge budget cuts. This is where my nervousness comes from. I also learned that USF has cut their College of Education. While I am not going for a terminal degree in Education, it does make one wonder. History is a tough field no matter the state of the economy. The upcoming elections are making people uneasy. The CoVID pandemic doesn't help. The way our lives have b...